Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Body: I am Thankful for You!

{Pictures of David and I building rock formations along the highway in Ontario. It seemed to be quite a popular thing to do! We saw dozens of them, and thought we would join the movement!}

So often, as I walk around with a headache, tummy ache, and back ache, I hear myself complaining about my body (in my mind). It's too big, too small, too wide, too whatever. But, some parting words from a special person whom I recently said goodbye to in Victoria were these:
"I wish for you to live with GRATITUDE."

Let's all take a moment and list 10 things that we're grateful for in our BODIES (I wanna see some comments here people!):

1) I am thankful that my body is tall enough that I can reach the cupboards above the fridge

2) I am thankful that my body is short enough that I don't bump my head every time I go in my closet (new walk-in - thankful for that too!)

3) I am thankful that my body is relatively healthy - cancer, disease, and virus free!

4) I am thankful that I have a good, smart, whole, un-damaged brain

5) I am thankful for my cute nose - I like it! (it reminds me of my biological father)

6) I am VERY thankful that I don't have arthritis, so that I can scrapbook!

7) I am thankful for corrective lenses on my eyes, so that I can see through a camera lense :)

8) I am thankful for my slim legs...yeah, I think they're hot - lol!

9) I am thankful that I tan easily and don't sunburn too fast

10) Last but not least: I AM JUST THANKFUL TO BE ALIVE!!!!!

Trust me, this list wasn't necessarily EASY to come up with! It was much much much easier for me to think of things that I am NOT thankful for - things I want to change about my body. But, that's not the point of this exercise :) Let's hear what you've got!


downingsm said...

I am thankful for 1.my long eyelashes, 2.my freckles (that only took 30 years to like those), 3.that even at 35 I still feel mostly like I did when I was 20-something, 4.for being short, 5.my eyesight that needs no glasses...yet, 6.my ears that hear well, 7. my hands that can do a multitude of work & play, 8. my legs and feet that take me where I want to go, 9. my 'girls' that are just the right size, big enough to know their there, but no so big that its all you see, and last but not least 10. I'm thankful my body got me through 2 pregnancies and gave me 3 beautiful healthy babies!

e.mel said...

AWWWWWWWWW!!!! Love your answers Misty :) SO SWEET!

Sharyn said...

Oh you are too cute!! Great list, I may borrow a couple. I am thankful for my 5 senses so I can experience the wonder of this world.

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