Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ebb & Flow

Wow...looks like I entirely missed blogging during the month of

Wanted to just jot a note about what I'm experiencing in the "ebb & flow" of my artist life. As I write, my craft room...or shall I call it my a crazy mess. After my ballet class today, I spent my time in an old DMB t-shirt (who hasn't been to a Dave Matthew's concert?!) that's got splotches of paint all over it. I've played and played and played...with paint, scrapping stuff, and stamps!!! OH WHAT A DAY!

But, I notice that my time (with regards to art) is usually divided into two parts: shopping and playing. Lately, I've done so much traveling, and with that so much BUYING. Gotta love buying new stuff! But, I don't love buying tons of supplies and then not using them :( So, now is the time to USE that stuff - and enjoy it! I certainly am...

The other area that seems to be ebbing and flowing is what I do when I play...I go from making a mess to cleaning it up and then back again...over and over I do this. I realize that this is okay - I need to create some order out of the chaos. And, then I need to create some chaos all over again! Mmmm...gotta love the artistic process...Any one relate?

Eventually I will share with you pics of what I have done...eventually...Back to CREATING!

(A note to my sis, Krystal) SISTER: YOU WILL BE SO PROUD OF ME! I finished your third painting and I think you're gonna love it! It's titled "Laugh" and says "love is life's greatest joy"! Yes, it just came to me today!

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