BEFORE: (brown, khaki, red towels; coordinating art) It was okay; nothing wrong with it necessarily. JUST SO BORED!!!!
AFTER: (brown, khaki, tiffany blue towels; coordinating Jolie Violet art; new baskets/boxes; different shower curtain ribbon).
COST: ribbon, $3
canvas, $10
paint, $3
adhesive, $5
TOTAL: $21
I love change, and I love to switch things up. So, I bought a plain white shower curtain and ironed on strips of ribbon (this idea is from my designer friend Stephanie: She's awesome! Then, when I wanted to switch it up, I just changed the red ribbon to blue!
It was SO EASY AND CHEAP for me to re-do my bathroom! I already had these canvases laying around in my closet, begging to be used in a project. So, I snapped some cool shots of various parts of our puppy Jolie and blew them up into 11"X14" sepia toned prints. I sealed the project with MODGE PODGE after painting a 12"x12" canvas tiffany blue. I then used QUICK GRIP to adhere the 12X12 canvas to a 16X16 canvas that I had painted chocolate (and dotted with a sponge dobber in chocolate chip craft ink for a border). Super fun!!!!