Welcome to the prettiest room in our house! Evalie's Nursery is meant to encapsulate all that is sweet and innocent...just like our precious little girl :)
Her bedding (and accessories like the diaper holder below) was handmade by Melissa's Boutique on etsy (find her here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/mellissasboutique?ref=seller_info) We were so pleased with the attention to detail, fine craftsmanship, and unique beauty that custom ordering delivered. The bedding will last Evalie through the toddler years, as her crib converts.

My mom generously bought these black wooden letters for Evalie's room. But, for the longest time I didn't know what to do with them! The black was just too stark on it's own against the lavender walls. Finally, inspiration struck and this is the result! I modge podged scrapbooking papers (in music notes and fine print) onto the letters, sanded the edges, and completed it with glitter lining and butterflies. I think it's just right :)
Evalie's furniture was something so difficult for us to choose! David insisted on high quality real wood craftsmanship, while I wanted something super pretty and classic in white. Finally, we discovered Munire furniture (http://www.munirefurniture.com/) and fell in love with the Savannah Collection. David and I are BOTH happy with this life-time investment, and plan on keeping this beautiful timeless furniture around forever :)
A little detail (above); shadow box of Evalie's take-home outfit, umbilical chord clip, hospital bracelet, etc. Love having these keepsakes out to cherish.
One of Evalie's special 1st birthday presents (above); a name plate for her door crafted by our dear friend Katy, who was there in the labour room when Evalie entered the world!
I made these wall pictures before Evalie's room was complete. I used a cricuit and stamps to make art that would perfectly match her room - it's so hard to find purple art!!! Just recently has she started to notice them and make fishy faces when she sees the fish...so cute :)
View from the crib side of the room (above). This little white stand was displayed at a local boutique with baby books, and I thought it was a perfect creative use for a vintage looking baby doll crib. Soon Evalie will want to put a doll in it instead of books, but for now it work well to have them out for storytime.
Painting the whole room in stripes was a TON of work. A few things I recommend when doing this process: a good long level, a sharp pencil, and FROGTAPE. This product is SO worth the extra money! It made PERFECT stripes on our walls! The colours are BM Lavender Mist and Whisper Violet. They were exactly what I wanted. And where in the world did I find a purple sock monkey?? Target, of course ;)
Lastly, a few more precious items on display, including a cupcake painting by our friend Laura - reminiscent of Evalie's gender revelation party (before she was born...of course!)
Thanks for looking friends!
This room has turned out so perfectly for your sweet baby girl! Love that she is in a room that tells so much about her family, her story, her...and you've managed to somehow do that with paint and a few details!?! Magical. Well done, Momma!
Oh My Goodness! This room is so precious, just like Miss Evalie! Quite honestly, you are the most talented woman I know, Erika! xo
I've seen it many times and still marvel at the amazing way it came together. You have vision my friend, talent and creative imagination beyond what I could hope for. Love it!
I need your creativity in finishing Caleb's nursery. I love the little animal pictures in Evalie's room. I'd love something like that for C. I was thinking of a monkey, elephant and giraffe or turtle. Plus I need to raid your craft room for stamps and punches for Caleb's scrapbook.
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